Written by: malisapusonja

JavaScript Is Eating The World

Considering the usage of JavaScript, in Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2016 Results there is a sentence written:

More people use JavaScript than any other programming language.

In the link above there is a chart that displays Most Popular Technologies. You can guess what’s the number one technology, it’s JavaScript!


But, not only that. On the chart for Top Full-Stack Tech Stacks per Occupation there is only one technology stack that does not contain JavaScript.


And, that’s not all folks. If you look carefully, you’ll see that even Data Scientists, people who on the first glance don’t have anything in common with JS, use it in 50% of the cases. Look at the picture below:


And, also Back-end developers:


Somebody may conclude from these charts & stats that people use JavaScript because they love it. But, look at this chart from the same report:

loved-techNo JavaScript!

When they were asked if they would like to continue developing with the language they are currently using nobody mentioned JavaScript. So, the vast majority of people are using JS not because they like it. To be frank, at the last place is Node.js (server-side JavaScript runtime environment), but for some reason, those guys didn’t mention JS, but Node.js (as a subset of JS technology). Those facts (let me repeat again: almost everybody is using JS, but not so many people would like to continue using it in the future) to say something. So let me try to formulate more precisely what I’m getting at

JavaScript is eating the software!

and I would add

whether you like it or not!

But that’s all not folks, again! 🙂

For those who maybe don’t know, couple a years ago Marc Andreessen wrote now famous article Why Software is Eating The World, stating that every company will become a software company or it will perish. Cease to be.


Or as they would say on TechCrunch:

“No matter your industry, you’re expected to be reimagining your business to make sure you’re not the next local taxi company or hotel chain caught completely off guard by your equivalent of Uber or Airbnb. But while the inclination to not be “disrupted” by startups or competitors is useful, it’s also not exactly practical. It is decidedly non-trivial for a company in a non-tech traditional industry to start thinking and acting like a software company. This is why the companies we most associate with “Why Software Is Eating the World” now are startups, with a few notable exceptions (like GE).”


I’ll repeat the last part, or even better, I’ll rephrase it: Software (startups) are eating the world!  I won’t elaborate on this statement, or try to prove it, because I think it is an old one and now even proven in some part. Hey, it’s on TechCrunch, a.k.a CNN for Software Startups.

So, let’s mix these two statements JavaScript is eating the software and Software is eating the world. That’s a classical Aristotelian syllogism, vaguely similar to the most famous one, which I dare not miss.

Premise I: All men are mortal

Premise II: Socrates is a man

Conclusion: Socrates is mortal!


Premise I: JS is eating the software

Premise II: Software (startups) are eating the world

Conclusion: JS is eating the world!

So, if you are from this world, not to mention startup or any company, look out! You are being eaten by the JavaScript, but only if you are not part of it.

My final conclusion, without any definite proof (I’ll leave it to you to deduce it from the above), is:

Use JavaScript in your MVP whenever you can!

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