Tokenizing Real-Estate: What Are the Benefits, Pitfalls, and Misconceptions of Tokenizing Assets?

The real estate market is very complex. The reason for this is that there are always multiple stakeholders involved, large amounts of money on the line, different people that specialize in different areas, and regulations that are dependant on jurisdic…

This Month in Blockchain – February 2019

February may be the shortest month but the blockchain industry doesn’t seem to care about that, as its disruptive power travels close to the speed of light, resolving issues along the way.In January, we witnessed…

Healthcare on Blockchain — Exploring the Use Cases

During the last ten months, there has been a burst of excitement about the role that blockchain technology could play

Blockchain, the Story of Decentralization and Tokenization

What is Blockchain and why should you care? First published in ESTIEM Magazine In essence, Blockchain is just a transactional database