Written by: Ratko

Presenting Whollet – A Comprehensive Crypto Wallet UI Kit

Hello everyone,
We are proud to present Whollet – a completely FREE resource for product developers. Based on experience from many different designers in the industry, we have created a crypto wallet UI kit with 12+ different layouts to help you bring your next project to life.

What is Whollet?

Whollet is a comprehensive crypto wallet UI kit we created as a way to give back to the blockchain community. Our team from MVP Workshop gathered the best practices (some of which were developed by us) for you to use and customize freely. You may recognize many UI elements, as many projects such as Coinbase, Argent, Celsius, and others are using similar information architecture and interaction patterns.

In short, Whollet is modern, clean, and easy to implement UI kit, ready to be used in your next crypto wallet project. It supports both Android and iOS and is available for download in Sketch and Figma. The license if 100% free, for both personal and commercial use.

Download it here – https://whollet.io/

What Does It Contain?

When we said Whollet is comprehensive we really meant it. Whollet contains:

  • 70+ screens
  • 130+ symbols
  • 12+ layouts

In the kit, you’ll find layouts that cover flows such as Deposits, Withdrawals, KYC, Exchange of currencies, Transaction tracking, and many more… Everything was tested, re-tested, and then re-re-tested. And it works like a charm.

Free font – Titilium Web

Inside the kit, you will find a free font – Titillium Web. We love it, and you can always change it to fit your project needs. After all, don’t have to use the kit as it is – feel free to experiment, change and improve it as you wish.

Delesign Illustrations

Delesign is one of those cool crews which love to share free assets. You can use some of those awesome illustrations and adapt them to the branding of your project.

A Wonderful Icon Set

They are bubbly, free to use and oh so beautiful! Aaaand they come from Feather Icons set, made by @colebemis. How cool is that?

Fully Editable Styleguide

To help you achieve full control over your project, our team of designers has created a fully editable and well-organized UI style guide. Check it out, and let us know how we can improve it even further.

While creating Whollet, we focused on the following features:

  • Editability
  • Scalability
  • Good organization

The Whollet Team

The Whollet UI Kit has been brought to you by humans of the MVP Workshop.

We wanted to give back to the community, and to all who are driving blockchain towards mass adoption – possibly changing the world pixel by pixel. Ping us on Twitter with feedback, questions, or if you simply want to share some love. And definitely share this kit, it’s FREE and we plan to keep it that way.

Community Spotlight

We would love to see what you make out of it, so post your work on Dribbble, Behance, Twitter or wherever else with a hashtag #whollet and we’ll return that love with some cool swag.

Let’s work together and get one step closer to the standardization of the crypto wallet user experience, helping facilitate the mass adoption of properly developed products on the blockchain.

As we love to talk about and explore new projects, feel free to pings us for a product design consultation – it’s on us. 🙂

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