Written by: aleksandar_damjanovic

How to Fund Your Web3 Project

At 3327, we are dedicated to experimenting and continuously learning in the Web3 space. Also, we support like-minded teams and individuals committed to building solutions for the web of tomorrow. 

That’s why we chose to start our grant program. Still, before we launch it (in a couple of weeks), we wanted to share with you some of the grant opportunities already present on the market. Research like this one has helped us shape our grant program and identify opportunities to support our experiments and innovative ideas. Finally, it has also enabled us to provide others with an overview of grants that can help them kickstart their projects even before our Research and Development team announces what we are cooking in-house. 

Hence, if you have an idea for a Web3 product or are interested in supporting existing protocols — or even if you just want to see what’s out there in terms of grants — make sure to check out the 3327 Grants Database below for some of the opportunities currently available in Web3 space. 

Core components of a good grant proposal

But before we direct you to it, let’s go through some of the core components a good grant proposal should and should not include. Remember, having a great idea doesn’t guarantee success. You have to show and deliver more to receive a grant!

  • Do the research — Your idea and concept must be well researched, and you should be able to show some previous work you’ve done in this area. You should also include your research output, as it will help evaluate your thoughts on the problem you are trying to solve.
  • Point out core benefits — Your application has to be well-defined. You should explain how your project stands out from competitors or implements technology in a way that doesn’t exist in the ecosystem.
  • Show relevant experience — The working team’s proven experience with relevant technologies should be presented. Github profiles of team members are usually mandatory when applying. They are often examined for past activity and code quality. In the true nature of Web3, CVs and LinkedIn profiles are not always required, as anonymity is one of the core principles. However, providing a list of your competences could prove beneficial, as you might be evaluated based on your skillset and the experience needed for the job. And if you want to make it anonymous, do it, by all means!
  • Prove your intents through open-sourcing — The code produced as part of a grant must be open-sourced almost always, and it must not rely on closed-source software for full functionality. Grants encourage open-source contribution in a way.
  • Amaze them with your documentation — The applications with well-written documentation have a better chance of receiving a grant. The same goes for closing the grant and submitting your milestones. Prepare video walkthroughs and all the needed references/links to the useful materials. 
  • Come up with a maintenance plan — Maintaining the project after completing the grant is often necessary. Have that in mind when applying and do not overpromise since you could end up underdelivering. 
  • Don’t launch a token just yet — Grants are usually not awarded to the projects that have been the object of a successful token sale. They are not just some free money offered to you to do something interesting with your idea with no strings attached. In fact, they are more of an investment in the project. 
  • Make sure your idea is appropriate — Projects that encourage gambling, illicit trade, and money laundering won’t be funded. Grants are usually given to those proposals that contribute to society in a different way. So, revise your ideas and come up with something rewarding that you and others could benefit from more.

There are often additional requirements depending on the grant program, the ecosystem (protocol) the project will be built on, and the type of projects funded. We’ve listed these requirements under the Demands paragraph of each grant program stored in our database.

Web3 grant list

So, without further ado,  here it is! The treasure we have been talking about — the list of Web3 grants that we will be updating on a regular basis. 

Right now, the grants are separated into three categories: Blockchain Protocol, DAO, and Zero-Knowledge grants. 

We would like to see more grants in the last category (Zero-Knowledge), as we believe there is no future for Web3 and blockchain without these solutions.

ZKValidator has done a great job teaming up with Gitcoin and starting one of the first ZK funding programs. These are the kinds of initiatives we expect to see more of during 2022.

P.S. You can help us maintain and grow this initiative! If you’ve heard of any grant program we have missed, please share it with us through this form

Happy building!

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