Written by: milos_novitovic

3327 Summer Camp Second Challenge Solutions

While our mentors are analyzing each solution and while we are waiting for winners to be announced, here is an overview of the second challenge and what teams and individual participants created.

During the last two weeks, participants worked on the second of six challenges. After we made a soft entry with the first challenge and started with basic dApp with core functionalities, it was time to add some interesting stuff. 

As for the first one, the second challenge was crafted so that there is no specifically defined scope of the final solution (product) that should be created. Hence it was up to participants to shape it, play, and create a solution that will help them win one of the first three places and rewards. The entire second challenge is placed at the end of this post.

This time five teams and individuals submitted their solutions before the deadline. They are listed below:



Easy We C00l

Nemanja Grubor


‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

 If you want to be the first to receive info about the winners, join our 3327 discord server, where an announcement will be released soon.

We want to thank all participants and invite anyone interested in web3 technologies to apply for the upcoming challenges.

Both the ones who were part of the previous challenges and the ones joining the Summer Camp competition later can work equally on each assignment.

3327 crew ensured that challenges go one after another, do not overlap, and are not mutually exclusive, meaning that anyone can apply for each challenge without needing a solution for previous ones. 

The following challenge starts in less than two weeks (August 24th). Don’t wait and apply now


Support Children is a non-profit, international organization working on improving life for children worldwide for many years.

As a leader in an innovative approach when it comes to gathering resources, Support Children recognized the potential in accepting crypto donations.

Nikola, the director of the innovation sector at the Support Children organization, decided to hire you to develop the second version of this web application.

The app’s current version allows Nikola and his colleagues to create campaigns and be notified of each donation. Also, donors are informed about the completion of the campaigns through a specially developed notification system.

The application is decentralized, with one part of it remaining centralized, and that is the notification system itself. 

The first version already shows the results and the Support Children organization has raised not only funds through the first campaigns, but also valuable feedback from users. Thanks to this and your product mindset, you identified new opportunities to fulfill the additional needs of both donors and people from the Support Children organization who are using this application daily.

Now, It’s time for a new version. It is true that users’ needs most often guide development, but often those who care about the legal correctness (compliance) of a product get involved. The legal sector of the Support Child organization urged whenever the new campaign is being created, two things must be defined: The maximum amount of funds that can be collected as well as the cryptocurrency in which the funds will be received.

It is clear that restricting users to donate using only one type of cryptocurrency is not sustainable, so you have already come up with the solution for this challenge. You will ensure that users are the ones who choose in which cryptocurrency they donate (send) funds. On the other hand, campaign organizers won’t have to worry because donations will settle in their wallets only in the currency they have defined in advance when creating a campaign. Also, the campaign organizers will not have to worry about whether the funds raised will exceed the set goal (hard cap) because your solution will ensure that this cannot happen, even if several users try to donate funds in a short period of time that exceeds the total amount of the defined goal.

Even though the interest of donors has increased, the application has attracted the attention of many other organizations. As one of the core values ​​of the humanitarian and web3 industry is open-sourcing solutions, Nikola and Support Child decided that other organizations should be able to create their profiles and campaigns. They left it to you to find the best solution on how to implement it.

In the end, motivated to innovate in every iteration, you came up with an idea of surprising Nikola and the Support Child team with extra functionality. You have recognized the growing popularity of NFTs, and thus found a way to use them and improve the user experience. Upon the first donation for each campaign, the user will receive an NFT. Initially, this NFT can contain basic information such as campaign name, time, amount of the donation, etc.

Of course, as with the previous one and each of the upcoming challenges, the decisions you make while shaping your solution should be based on the facts you gather by researching, interacting, and talking to your target audience, and analyzing solutions that meet similar user needs.

See you in discord!

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